My daughter's travel soccer teams won several out of town tournaments following these guidelines - so it does work. Please pay special attention to the suggestion for "snacks."
- Coach Doug

The Night Before

Don't be afraid to eat your fill and be sure there is a two-hour span between your meal and going to bed. Your body needs lots of calories for the upcoming games. Most players perform best by stocking up on calories that come primarily from carbohydrate rich foods (not from fatty foods). The following pre-tournament dinners are preferred:
• Pasta with grilled chicken, or grilled fish or bean/chicken burritos
• Rice, salad, green veggies or salad
• Toast and fruit
• Milk (sodas are completely out of the question)

Breakfast • Cereal with milk
• Toast and fruit
• Bagels (no cream cheese or butter)


Only have lunch if you have 3 hours before your afternoon or evening match. If not - see the "snacks" section, below.
If you have a lunch, eat a meal that's limited to 500 - 600 calories. Here are a couple of ideas:
• Pasta (little sauce), or baked potato
• Milk and toast
• Fruit salad

Snacks Eating snacks is a great tournament strategy to stay "fueled-up". Choose easy-to-carry snacks that won't spoil. The following foods are excellent energy sources:
• Crackers
• Bagels
• English muffins
• Hard pretzels
• Breadsticks
• Popcorn
• Cold cereal
• Rice cakes
• Raw Veggies
• Granola bars
• Apples
• "Clif" or "Power" Bars
Post Game Dinners Protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs and cheese will help build and repair muscles, so they are good to include in your tournament diet. The following choices provide balanced evening meals:
• Chicken, or steak, or pasta with meat sauce
• Mashed potatoes, or coleslaw, or green vegetables, or salad
• Toast and fruit
• Milk

Food & Drinks
from use during
tournament play
These are some foods that will decrease your performance and abilities during tournament play. Please be sure you don't consume these types of foods:
• Sodas (any kind of beverage with gas - there's enough of that in the dugout)
• Fried food (hamburgers, french fries, fried chicken, pork rinds, etc.)
• Candy and sweets

This DOES suggest you avoid our favorite hang-out at least 48 hours before tournament play.

Doesn't it?